


Jugofuturizem ne želi biti nostalgičen, temveč si želi nazaj občutek, da je prihodnost sploh mogoča.

It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than another Yugoslavia. Talking about Yugoslavia sometimes leaves no alternative, it’s mostly black and white. And this is where I think we can create space to rethink our relationship towards history and Yugoslavia specifically. I think this is rather important looking from a perspective of a Bosnian. Living in the constant anxiety of Bosnia falling apart, even though it did fall apart in the 90’s, leaves little room to imagine a future at all. And this is why I assume people find it easier to look back and dwell in nostalgia. When it comes to history, we have a clear distinction of what Yugoslavia was for us in different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Going from the fact that we don’t acknowledge the truth and the facts about the war in the 90’s, we can’t go far actually. To have the luxury to rethink better futures and to use our nostalgia to create better living and working conditions seems rather utopian. Understanding that the transformation of the working class preceded the fall of Yugoslavia, for example, sending the workers to unpaid leaves, the mass protests of workers due to worsening of the working conditions etc., and now looking at the mass protests in the USA due to the genocide in Gaza gives us the reason to believe that the working class can really make changes in the world. Even though we do not have the protection from the state like we had in Yugoslavia, that includes the entire system, state, police and unions, we have something in common all around the globe that is powerful and that is the insatisfaction regarding labor rights and politics.

Država-Understanding what does country I live in means or presents to me and what it meant for my parents, I can find devastating differences. We can mostly agree, if we talk to any generation in my country today, that they do not have any relationship towards their country, besides contempt and disappointment.
