

Southwest or Jugofuturism?

A large number of elderly leftists in Slovenia and other former Yugoslav republics today are juunionists, whose criticism of capitalist society is based on their memory of the socialist republic and its comparison to life in today's social-economic system, whether their criticism of capitalist society and neoliberalism is correct or not, it comes from their own experience and thus often leads to conflicting opinions within their ideology and damages to the emancipation of the working class.

Despite the Marxist Leninist ideology of Yugoslavia, those who remember the former countries through the prism of their youth by returning to history reject the most basic doctrine of Marxism: The existence of the socialist Yugoslavia is seen as the end of history instead of the missing era in a society that is constantly changing. While Marx, Engels and everyone who came after them are telling us that we have to learn lessons from history and strive for a better future, the Southwest sees a capitalist future, and socialism as the lost time we have to return to, besides, they completely reject materialism when they compare socialism and capitalism to experience, not objective material criteria.

Left-wing nostalgia does not share the quality of returning to the past with other leftists, whether we count democratic socialists, communists, anarchists, but with traditionalist right-wing people. Where right-wing people see a strong, long-lost Aryan nation to be rebuilt, the old communist guard sees a state of brotherhood and equality in which there were no number of problems like transphobia, homophobia and other oppressive communities that were only recently forced to notice. Many remember the time before the discussion of the lack of the rights of the LGBTQ + community, and therefore the debates reject, ignore or even blame the LGBTQ + community, which, in turn, put the problem into public view. Since they have not tasted discrimination themselves, they are blindly believed that there were no such problems, so they are often socially conservative.

We young people also feel the cruelty of neoliberalism, but we are more open to progressive ideas, so the solution to the problem of inequality we see in moving forward, not in the praises of history. Our knowledge of Yugoslavia and the life of the time comes from the elderly, who have their subjective opinion of socialism under Tito, and the media, who are generally not fond of revolutionary anti-capitalist philosophy, but since we haven't seen socialism with children's eyes, it's easier to see the contradictory ideology of the Southwest.

The renewal of the ideals that Yugoslavia has been based on, or Yugoslavia, is key to the modern left because it is different from the dogmatic southoslogists, whose political knowledge is limited to their own experiences, and therefore often wrong, as well as left-wing idealists, who completely reject Yugoslavia because of its problems.

While we share values with those of the SFR Yugoslavia, they are represented in a new light, remodeled and restored, and added to them ideas of progressivism. It is key that progressive ideas are not opposed to marxism, but to complement it. "The Worker's Mass System doesn't have to be a real class consciousness [...], if the workers don't learn to practice materialistic analysis and materialistic assessment of all aspects of life, the class of the development of the community -- [-- [--] -- if they don't learn about the process in the whole of the process of the process of the process of the process of the community, of the community, of the process of the process, of the process, of the process, of the whole of the process.

Jugofuturism is key to every sentient leftist in any former Yugoslav republic. We must accept the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and its principles, learn from their actions, but we must not submit to history or let it define us fully. Today's youth wants changes, it is constructively critical of past communist experiments, neoliberalism and idealistic or utopian ideas of those whose view of Yugoslavia is based on demonization of every attempt to build a more just system.

Our future is Yugoslav. Yugoslavia, which will correct past socialism's mistakes and replace capital rule. Yugoslavia, which will unite people in its new form, anyone who fights for a better world, every protester and agitator, every conscientious leftist who educates himself and others around him, and thus expands the class consciousness, actively contributes to building a brighter world that young people want, deserve and we are willing to fight for.
